Design Now, Build Later

10 July 2022


4 min read

What you can be doing now to build your dream home in late 2020 or 2021

Are you hesitant to start the process of building your dream home during this uncertain time? You shouldn’t be. It may not be ideal, but if you’re in the financial position to do so, now is a great time to get started on all the design and planning of your new home so you’re ready to hit the ground running when the time is right.

Much of the pre-construction process involved in the building comes down to design – a vital element that’s important to get right before you start on your build. Contrary to what you may think, getting the design stage started and launching into permit applications isn’t a huge outlay, but it will allow you to get ahead.

While we’re experiencing long periods of isolation, use your time to reflect and think about what you need and want in a home. Seek clarity and make considered, thoughtful choices about the materials, fixtures and fittings that will go into your home. Settle on a beautiful design that you’re happy with now that you can bring to life in due course.

Get your pick of contractors

One great reason to get started on the design and planning of your home now is that you’ll have your pick of quality trades and designers. With many people pausing or cancelling on their home building plans, a number of exceptional tradespeople and designers are currently experiencing openings that you may otherwise have had to wait months for.

Lock-in costs

Many construction supplies aren’t sourced locally, which means it may become harder and to access these as time goes on. If you can lock in a fixed price with suppliers for materials now, you give yourself the best chance of success and, most importantly, can protect your budget. Those who wait run the risk of spending more for the same supplies in the future.

Paperwork and design

Getting the documentation ready for your build can be a lengthy process. The preliminary planning stage alone involves narrowing in on the perfect design; organising all structural surveys and decisions; pricing labour, materials and supplies and ensuring this aligns with your budget; and obtaining all necessary permits. It’s integral that you allow time to get this right as this stage should never be rushed.

If your project requires a planning permit, starting now is even more important. This is a complicated and time-consuming process in itself. The silver lining of launching into a permit application process now is that local councils can manage, review and respond faster and more effectively than if you wait until everyone else is ready.

It’s important to note that it takes approximately 3 months to design and get ready to commence works on-site, while it can take up to 8 months to go through the town planning process.

How can Ramsay Builders help?

At Ramsay Builders we offer a design and construction service, which means we’re able to help you right from the start of your custom home journey. Currently, we’re offering consultations and meetings with our clients over the phone or via video calls such as Zoom. This allows us to be with you throughout the preliminary planning stage as we collaborate on finessing your plans, budget and home design. 

We understand that trying to visualise what your home will look like on paper can be tricky. Especially over the phone! That’s why we’re using new technology to make our design process available online. We set our clients up with our innovative interactive design studio and virtual reality portal, which allows them to explore 3D digital renders of their home, as well as play around with design choices until they’re totally satisfied.

At ArchiPro we recognise and acknowledge the existing, original and ancient connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have to the lands and waterways across the Australian continent. We pay our respects to the elders past and present. We commit to working together to build a prosperous and inclusive Australia.