The journey to a natural, sustainable home —why paint is an important part of the puzzle

05 December 2022


5 min read


Sustainability has been a hot topic since the eighties and in the early twenties it’s only getting hotter. Quite literally. The choices we make in the way we collectively live influences the health of our planet. Taking a holistic approach, we all need to do our bit to create change! From the habitual items we buy, to the way we renovate or build our homes, everything adds up. The shift toward natural products and sustainable living practices is growing. Here’s how to make your home more sustainable, one step at a time.

When building or renovating your property there’s three things you’ll want to consider for a sustainable home:

  • sustainable purchases
  • energy efficiency
  • water usage

Taking these into account when designing your new build or renovating will help reduce your footprint. We believe the best way to be a conscious consumer is to support businesses that align with your own values, whether that be centered around sustainability and natural products. You have the power to choose where your dosh goes, so make it count! Every product you invite into your home adds to creating a natural and sustainable environment.

The journey to a natural, sustainable home —why paint is an important part of the puzzle

Paint and Home Renovations  

The paint on your walls is a major, the product that takes up the most space and surface area in your home. While you might be focussed on the colour choice and the feeling you want for the space, it’s just as important to think about what that paint is made from. This is our cue to let you know that we’ve got the answer – we create NZ-made eco-friendly paint made from natural, non-toxic ingredients. Indoor air quality is often overlooked when painting a home and particularly for those that suffer from asthma, skin and sinus sensitivities, we’re your better choice.  

Our paint is created from natural ingredients such as earthen clays, mānuka oil and quartz powder for a high performing, high coverage paint that’s easy to clean and doesn’t stink of fumes. Your nose will be so pleasantly surprised! With an industry leading 25 year interior guarantee, it’s a win for you, your home, and mother nature.  

You may have heard of the term “VOC” surrounding paint. Volatile Organic Compounds are gasses emitted from chemical based products such as gasoline, dry erase pens, ink, glue and solvents. What actually goes in them? Unfortunately in New Zealand for products to be considered “VOC free” their release of gasses must measure small enough to not impact the outdoor, external environment— shockingly, this measure doesn’t take your internal home environment into consideration. The air inside a freshly painted room can be up to 1000 times more polluted than the air outside when using chemical-based products. When you see the term “VOC free” in advertising… look a little closer at the ingredients list. Our products are proudly VOC free and we’ll happily give you a good look at exactly what our paints and oils are made from.

The journey to a natural, sustainable home —why paint is an important part of the puzzle

Energy Efficiency

An efficient use of energy starts with the foundations of your home. We’re fans of functional design – eco-friendly features and conscious design carries much of the weight in dictating your footprint and your power bills. Firstly, let’s talk about stuffing those walls and the ceiling. Proper insulation that’s well maintained makes all the difference in heat retention. Ensure it hasn’t shifted, leaving gaps and top up the layers if they’re looking thin.

If your home tends to be a little colder or your windows are single glazed then thermal curtains may be a great solution to preventing heat loss. In tandem, they can also keep things cool in the summer months, blocking solar gain. An HRV system is a great solution for increasing ventilation and replenishing fresh air in rooms. These are said to save you up to 5 times the energy spent operating them while promoting warmth and dryness.

Solar panels are an excellent investment in clean energy and will significantly reduce what you pay for power. If one of these bad boys isn’t quite in your range for the moment, choosing an energy supplier that focuses mainly on solar, hydro and wind generated power is the next best thing. Meridian is our top pick! Heating your home with an appliance that relies on electricity such as a heat pump is optimal, steering clear of gas or burning wood. The more stars on the Energy Rating label, the better!

Water Usage

Shorter showers are great but let’s go a little deeper because let’s face it. Sometimes the rinse and repeat is a must. Flow restrictors are a great way to limit the amount of water gushing from your showerhead. They’re affordable and often won’t change spray coverage so you won’t have to do the awkward twirl to keep warm. If you’re building a new home, opt for low flow flush toilets or also add flow restrictors to the ones you already have.

The journey to a natural, sustainable home —why paint is an important part of the puzzle

Our mission is to improve the indoor air quality of Kiwi homes by providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional chemical based paint. If choosing natural over chemical paint is a first step for people we hope to inspire them to stick with this journey and make more sustainability focused decisions as a conscious consumer. 

Remember it’s a marathon not a sprint! Making adjustments in time and when you can afford to is best. Moving power companies, picking up flow restrictors from your local hardware store or painting your home with eco-friendly paint are all solid movements towards your goal. All the little things add up to making your home more sustainable, reducing that carbon footprint.

At ArchiPro we recognise and acknowledge the existing, original and ancient connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have to the lands and waterways across the Australian continent. We pay our respects to the elders past and present. We commit to working together to build a prosperous and inclusive Australia.