Our Finger Jointed Timber Benchtops are an eco-friendly and cost-effective option for your kitchen or laundry. Available at approximately 25% less than our custom laminated tops!

What are finger-jointed tops? 

Finger jointed tops are constructed from 40 timber laminations just like our standard tops, but the laminations aren’t made from one piece of timber. Instead, there are shorter pieces joined together to create one long lamination, creating the distinctive "bricked" look.

Available in 3 popular European timbers; Ash, Oak and Walnut, this material minimises timber waste and is FSC certified. Current sheet sizes are: 5400 x 1200/700 x 30/40mm

  • Category
    Wooden Benchtops, Bathroom Vanities, Home Office Desk
  • Range

The WOODSMITHS you probably already know. Over a quarter of a century dedicated to enduring solid wood craftsmanship has made our badge synonymous with luxury and bespoke excellence. Work that can be seen in the homes, kitchens and industry throughout New Zealand.

Solid Wood Bench Tops have been a part of this. Timber Bench Tops crafted to customers designs, colours, timbers and finishes. All featuring the generous and extensive WOODSMITHS warranties. 

Our products are not mass-produced. Each piece is individually handcrafted. We enjoy working with customers to design solid wood benchtops and other solid wood products that are unique and functional. We are committed to the highest quality of craftsmanship and take pride in each piece we make.

Finger Jointed Timber BenchtopsThe Woodsmiths