Gyms Artificial Turf | Sports Grass by SmartGrass


Gyms Artificial Turf | Sports Grass by SmartGrass is an on-trend way gyms across NZ are creating fresh new work out spaces for their members.

Do you want to be the hottest gym in your local area? Gyms that once lost members to bigger, newer gyms are now retaining membership numbers after installing an attractive and usable artificial turf sled strip or work out space.

  • Category
    Artificial Grass
  • Attract & Retain Members
  • Made for High Intensity Use
  • Custom Turf to Suit Your Brand
  • Trending Way to Upgrade & Expand
  • A Cost-Effective Gym Flooring Solution
  • Offer Greater Variety of Classes 

SmartGrass is New Zealand’s artificial turf specialist.

Our mission is to revolutionise landscapes and enhance the way Kiwis live & play.

We are the supply, install, and maintenance specialists of artificial turfs, matched to our clients needs. That, while looking like real grass, we solve the ongoing aesthetic, economic and environmental costs associated with real lawn and other surfaces.

Our projects range from small residential lawns to large international-grade sports facilities. SmartGrass also supplies products to the landscaping and building industries.

Our headquarters is located in Christchurch, with franchises operating nationwide.

SmartGrass is a new type of artificial grass that is realistic, durable and environmentally friendly. Real grass can be a hassle with constant mowing, maintenance, mud and weeds. SmartGrass is the long lasting alternative – giving you an enduring outdoor living space you can feel proud of.

SmartGrass is constructed with up to six different natural coloured blades. These are as long as 40mm, giving a luxurious look and feel (even with the brown bits!)

SmartGrass is not like the old ‘astroturf’ – in fact you’ve probably seen SmartGrass without realising, because it appears so real.

Top 8 Reasons Kiwis love SmartGrass

  1. Looks great all year round
  2. Less maintenance time
  3. Pet and child friendly
  4. Get more out of your area
  5. So many places to use it
  6. Created for kiwi conditions
  7. Increase your property value
  8. Up to 10 year warranty

What is SmartGrass for?

SmartGrass is a versatile artificial lawn perfect for a range of applications, both residential and commercial. Synthetic grass doesn’t need to be a tradeoff – you can get all the benefits of real grass with none of the hassle. Learn how SmartGrass can help you in ways other artificial turf products can’t. Join hundreds of other happy homeowners who have made the switch to using artificial grass in Christchurch and all across NZ.

Perfect for:

  • Home owners
  • Dog owners
  • Schools
  • Architects
  • Landscapers
  • Builders
  • Sports
  • Commercial
Gyms Artificial Turf | Sports Grass by SmartGrassSmartGrass