Beige Brown
L820 x W750 x H800 mm - 8.9kg

Montparnasse is an easy chair designed by the French designer Christophe Pillet. Pillet got inspired by, amongst other products, ordinary camping gear and has then added elegance and quality - which has created Montparnasse.

“I have always been interested in Offecct’s philosophy and method. They are into developing alternative solutions and finding new paths instead of just following trends. This easy chair is designed with the ambition of using less material. Traditionally, easy chairs, like other furniture, are based on the idea of quantity, which is not at all updated to our contemporary time. It’s unbelievable, a shame, that quality and status are still valued in terms of size and quantity in cars, sofas, bathrooms etcetera. We developed this chair with a high-tech textile mounted on mechanical construction, making them easy chair light while using minimal amounts of material. It’s inspired by camping gear and military furniture. The exciting challenge has been to apply the cleverness and economical thinking of camping gear, but with the comfort and finish of high-end domestic furniture. It is about providing people with space, being light and transparent in the contemporary environment.”
- Christophe Pillet



Frame in black lacquer.

Hanging seat in supportive weave and cold foam.

Upholstered in fabric and leather, top in fabric and bottom in leather, with four fixings.

Standard leather Elmo Soft.

Note: The fabric on the top side of the seat is sewn using thread in the same tone as the selected fabric. Please note that this thread will also be visible on the underside of the seat.


H 800
SH 410
W 750
D 820

SKU: montpar-1

About the

Flokk is a market leader for high-quality seating solutions in Europe. We believe in creating furniture that meets the essential needs of people while also considering the impact on future generations

In Flokk we believe that human ingenuity, technological innovation and human centred values can lead to a positive future for humankind. A future with a healthy climate, sustainable use of resources, meaningful work and a high level of individual freedom and well-being. Attributes often associated to our origins in Nordic Culture, yet resoundingly humanistic, universal and inclusive.

Flokk is a design driven company creating products that earn their right to exist through serving fundamental human needs. Addressing emotional as well as physical factors all the while keeping the interests of future generations in mind. Products that have a clear and positive narrative, all the way through to the last detail of its manifestation.

We have the privilege and the responsibility to work towards this positive future directly through our activities. But also indirectly, through sharing transparently about our practice and progress, to inspire the great work of others. As we do acquisitions, we invite new family members to take part in the same philosophy and journey. When customers choose our furniture, they get lasting, meaningful objects, produced with the lowest possible environmental footprint. They contribute to an onwards journey of steady improvement at scale.

Montparnasse by Christophe PilletFlokk