Guthrie Bowron

Guthrie Bowron


Guthrie Bowron are New Zealand’s home decorating specialists. We offer Kiwis everything they need to refresh their homes, as well as advice from experts in every store. Our vision is to be New Zealand’s most inspiring home decorating destination, helping Kiwis turn their houses into homes. 

All stores are 100% locally owned and operated, and we are proud to have been a trusted New Zealand brand since 1896.

Guthrie Bowron has a unique product offering, with a full range of decorating products including paint, wallpaper, decorating tools, curtains, blinds, flooring, and homeware.

Guthrie Bowron is the leader in providing mainstream New Zealand with decorating advice, knowledge and products to help them achieve the end result they want. Many customers are not confident making decorating decisions, and are looking for a solution – not just products. Guthrie Bowron offers customers a complete decorating solution, both in store and in the customers’ home.

Meet the team

Andrey Frolov
Andrey Frolov
Senior Category Manager – Decorating Products
Safia Haythorne
Safia Haythorne
General Manager Soft Furnishings
Leanne Etherington
Leanne Etherington
Commercial Manager
Guthrie Bowron
Guthrie Bowron

Manufacturers and Suppliers