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LMS Drafting and Design Ltd

LMS Drafting and Design Ltd


Based in Christchurch and operating country wide. Current projects range from a clients first home, adjustments to an existing home for the growing family to large single / multi residence homes including apartment living and multisite developments. Each project is greeted with an open mind, driven by our clients brief to create a unique and functional home, grounded by thoughtful planning and design ideas, combined with a high level of integrity ensures the brief is developed through to a completed home just as you imagined it could be.

A small and dedicated team ensures organisation and execution of all sized projects, with attention to detail being consistent throughout with one on one communication to ensure nothing gets lost along the lines. Proudly part of the professional body that is Architectural Designers New Zealand (ADNZ). We believe it is critical to learn from what we have done well, what we could have done better and how we can improve for the future.


“Wonderful application thank you, I don’t have any RFIs. I will start processing the granting faze by 10am if you don’t have any changes to add.”

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"Thank you for the open communication and understanding, I have just issued the building consent. Again thank you all for your patience during these exceptional times."

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“Congratulations on a fantastic application by the way, might be the most detailed I’ve seen this year...!”

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“I have almost completed my review, which I currently have no RFIs. I am now hoping to have my review completed by the end of tomorrow, (all things going well) which I will let you know if I have any further RFIs to add. My feeling is that I will very minimal if any further RFIs, as the consent documents supplied by LMS Drafting and Design have been very well detailed and so far clearly demonstrate how compliance with the various provisions of the NZ Building Code have been meet"

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LMS Drafting and Design Ltd
LMS Drafting and Design Ltd

Architectural Designers