Pro Clima

Pro Clima


Pro clima is focused on health. Operating globally, pro clima inspires and educates people to create healthy, durable and energy-efficient buildings to live, learn, work and play in - now and for future generations.

Our range of high-performance weathertightness and airtightness products helps to create draught-free, long-lasting and low-allergen emitting surroundings for families, schools and businesses.

Meet the team

Catherine McGregor
Catherine McGregor
Regional Sales Manager - Lower South Island
Richard Hollard
Richard Hollard
Specification Manager - Auckland & Northland
Simon Cator
Simon Cator
Regional Sales Manager - Auckland, Waikato, BOP & New Plymouth
Soren Webb
Soren Webb
Regional Sales Manager - Lower North Island
Ben Ingledew
Ben Ingledew
Regional Sales Manager - Upper South Island

Pro Clima
Pro Clima
Pro Clima

Manufacturers and Suppliers