Set along a sweeping expanse of remote rural coastline, the Boat Shed is a companion building to the existing Herbertville Bach – a previous winner of an ADNZ regional award. The adjacent vacant lot to the west of the existing building was acquired by way of protecting the panoramic views and providing extra utility, however careful consideration of site placement was required to ensure specific view shafts were maintained. In response the Boat Shed was given a generous physical separation from the existing building, which has also allowed both buildings to maintain their own individual architectural identity.
A gable form was proposed in reference to the existing Bach, however the utilitarian function of the building and exposed nature of the site has informed the stripped back detailing and robust metal cladding. While functional and utilitarian, the Boat Shed also does justice to its neighbouring big brother with refined but subtle detailing such as recessed gutters, polycarbonate façade, generous glazing, cedar panelling and well resolved internal layout.
The interior of the sleep-out is an exercise in space efficiency, with a compact but functional kitchen/bathroom/laundry all integrated within a generous living space. The large bi-fold doors open to an expansive view with level deck almost doubling the size of the internal footprint when open. A clever retractable library ladder accesses a generous loft and internal cedar fins provided over the gable clerestory windows moderate thermal gain and privacy.
When observed in context the resulting building forms have a complimentary but distinct architectural relationship and are an almost abstract counterpoint to the existing rural landscape.
With a family heritage in construction and as a qualified builder himself, Mike Holmes established Holmes Architecture while completing the Masters of Architecture programme at Victoria University.
Working on complex residential and commercial projects fostered an affinity with built form, and Holmes Architecture was initiated through connecting this intimate knowledge of the construction process with an intuition and passion for architecture and design.
Mike’s approach to the design process is fluid and intuitive, although his non-linear approach is always coupled with a strong sense of identity, purpose and process - “Establishing identity is fundamental to the creative process and establishing who you, and your clients are, will ensure a clear project vision.”
Identity may be revealed in a multitude of ways: architectural style, environmental considerations, materiality, detailing, form, relationship to landscape - in either case a strong sense of form and composition is often a theme of the practice. Client and context is the first conversation initiated in each project, where the many competing forces of the design brief are reconciled through design thinking, visualisation and documentation.
Mike believes that architecture is communication in both practice and product - “The spark that delivers an initial design insight is a relatively brief moment in the process. The practice of architecture is then the communication of this brief and intense moment. What elevates buildings to architecture is when a designer has something worthwhile to say and does so in an insightful and honest way.”
Mikes ultimate aim is that unexpected and delightful design solutions are achieved through balancing function, construction and efficiency with a deep empathy for site, context and client.