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Christchurch Bus Exchange

Industry: Commercial
Brands: Mono Draught
Client: Southbase Construction
Category: Natural ventilation
Date: 2016
Architect: Architectus
Engineer: Aurecon
Builder: Southbase

  • The Challenge - Short turnaround between order and required install dates.
  • EllisCo’s Role – Work with engineer to correctly size roof mounted Mono Draught Units.
  • The Outcome – Installed on time and weatherproof, and working to provide Natural ventilation.

About the

EllisCo is the trusted provider of natural ventilation solutions for projects of all sizes and complexities. Using automatic window opening equipment to meet your Natural Ventialtion requirements. With a wide range of products from the industries top brands, we can offer comprehensive solutions for any project, we can supply, install and test your products, as well as provide expert after sales support.

With an extensive catalogue of world-leading brands such as Window Master, TOPP and Ultraflex we can help with all your planning and construction requirements on your next project.


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