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Country Escape


“We embarked on what we thought was going to be a relatively small renovation project taking approximately three months. From the first day, we knew it wasn’t going to be as simple as we thought! An 80-year-old house that seemed to be held together with just a few nails and a lot of luck threw up endless problems. However, the team from Shaw Builders headed by the very capable Lance, took it all in their stride and although the word ‘shocking’ was used frequently, nothing seemed to faze this hardworking, pleasant crew of men. Six months later, we moved into a beautiful house, which exceeded all our expectations. All the building work was of exceptional quality and the finish was absolutely perfect, from the satin-smooth window sills and door frames to the now upright walls and ceiling. The renewed weatherboard with beautifully scribed joints completes the quality project. Shaw Builder’s attention to detail was second to none and they, like ourselves, should feel justifiably proud of a job very well done. Indeed this project has enthused my husband so much that he has enrolled in a two-year Architectural Design course!”

- Robert and Bryony Cross


  • Registered Master Builders House of the Year Silver Award, 2012 

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Shaw Builders
Shaw Builders
