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Mt Central Apartments

This project is located midway on the Mt Maunganui Peninsula near the heart of the Mt Maunganui centre. Sited approximately 400m each side of the harbour and ocean beachfront it enjoys sea views each way from the upper floors. The client wanted an attractive and saleable apartment complex with a variety of unit sizes over 4 levels above ground, car parking in the basement, a gym and an outdoor recreation / pool area. A total of 55 apartments have been provided; one, two and three bedroom configurations, each with a spacious feel resulting from an integrated structural grid. This approach achieved an economic and rational structure. Wide access walkways with cut out light wells allow apartments to have glazing to all second bedrooms. In addition the width of the walkway varies creating a sense of spaciousness, while providing protection from the elements and allowing cross ventilation of the apartments. All apartments have generous balconies with sliding louvres for additional privacy and protection from the elements.

Mt Central Apartments

About the

Avery Team Architects Limited, the Auckland practice of the national firm Team Architects, is a medium sized architectural consultancy established to create for its clients quality architecture that is practical, innovative and sustainable while being cost effective.

The cornerstone of the Company’s philosophy is quality professional client / architect relationships backed by the direct accessibility of its architectural principal, Kerry Avery. Supporting him is a team of project architects, graduate architects and technicians led by Associate Nicholas Melrose who provide their complimentary design skills, project experience and enthusiasm. Furthermore, the whole Company, is committed to producing the most appropriate built architecture; an architecture that embodies sustainable building practices wherever possible, producing distinctive and workable buildings which meet their users functional and spacial needs with architectural design excellence.

In Kerry’s many years in private practice he has built an enviable portfolio of projects representing a wide selection of building types which demonstrate design versatility and flair delivered in a professional manner.
With an experienced base of approximately 12 full time staff and contract teams, Avery Team Architects has the experience and resources to handle almost any project. They frequently collaborate with other Team Architects practices as well as working with other architectural practices on a joint venture basis to add any additional skills and resources those projects might require as well as the backing of 70 staff

Avery Team Architects is centrally located in Mt Eden, Auckland. Projects are spread throughout greater Auckland and over the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Team Architects has offices spread throughout the regions of New Zealand including the Waikato, Hawkes Bay, Taranaki, Wellington, Christchurch, West Coast and Otago.

Team Architects specialist project areas include tourism, education, hospitality, medical, arts and public buildings. The Team Architects network allows us to provide our clients with a fully supported and seamless national service, which is increasingly being recognised by both clients and as evidenced by various design awards.

Give us a call so that we can discuss your needs.

Team Architects
Team Architects
