Colonial style tiled porch banner

Colonial style tiled porch

Tile works using Winckelman's tiles to give a classic black/white, set on angle geometric tile tessellated floor

Bryndwr, Canterbury
Price to build
$0 - $0.25m
Building style
Tessellated floor of Winckelmans Tiles - 100 x 100mm
Winckelmans Tiles set on angle giving a classic look to this entrance porch
Anti-fracture matting - Mapei product
pre-levelling of substrate

Products used in Colonial style tiled porch

About the

Colin is a specialist tiler of great experience. He hs been trading as Colin Barber Tiling Co since 1988 in London UK, and now based in Christchurch NZ.

Colin has worked as tiler-contractor on many architectural projects and high value residential works, notable among them restoration work at Buckingham Palace and master bathrooms for Sting, Kate Moss, Ozzy Osbourne, Michael Bloomberg and Simon Cowell. 

He was the tile contractor for TileMile project in Clerkenwell Design Week which won a London Design Week Gold award in 2014.

He has been in demand for his quality of work with tiles for 3 + decades, and is experienced with every type of tile material and format - mosaics especially. 

He has been a member of the UK Tile Association - the body representing the UK tile trade and industry - since 2000, and is designated a 'master tiler'.

The UK trade publication 'TSJ' included Colin in their 'UK's Best Tilers' section.

He has done international work for clients in Paris, St. Tropez, Marbella, The Highlands of Scotland, New York, and now of course New Zealand.

 In moving to New Zealand in 2019 with his Christchurch born wife - the photographer Fiona Fletcher, he brings with him 30 plus years of  tiling experience as tiler and contractor, much of it on first-class projects.

Projects large and small undertaken.

Colin Barber
Colin Barber
