Roys Peak Residence banner

Roys Peak Residence

Combining our favourite palette of materials, this crisply detailed family home sits comfortably within the suburbs of Wanaka below the majestic snowed capped ridgeline of Roy’s Peak.

Prominent cantilevered roof planes hover over the double height, open plan living room and outdoor entertaining spaces, which allow sightlines to the mountains beyond, whilst the unfenced yard borrows the expansive lawn of the adjacent recreational park to greatly expand the sense of space to the North-West of the site.

Local schist is used to clad the indoor and outdoor fires which are capped with our trademark double barrelled steel chimney flues. Placed next to one another, these fires allow for comfortable entertaining year-round, whilst also providing privacy for the occupants.

Meticulously executed by the contractor, this spacious new residence showcases our commitment to the creation of quality timeless homes that function as well as they look.

Brent Young Builders

About the

Johnston Architects is a design-led studio specialising in high-quality new-build residential and commercial projects throughout New Zealand.

We pride ourselves on crafting rigorously planned and immaculately detailed projects that exceed client expectations. With almost 100 years of combined experience delivering architectural projects of exceptional quality in New Zealand and overseas, our tight-knit team of talented designers will ensure that your project is tailored to suit your quality and budgetary requirements.

Johnston Architects is committed to reducing the environmental footprint of our work. We strongly believe that the creation of well-crafted, timeless architecture is the key to sustainable design and we ensure that sustainable strategies are employed seamlessly into the overall design to enhance the comfort, quality, and delight of your home.

Our work is always informed by a site's physical and cultural setting. Working in some of the most remarkable and scenic locations in the country has resulted in a body of work that responds to its context in a timeless and elegant manner.

Johnston Architects
Johnston Architects
