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Tai Tapu Home

Project type - New build

Architect - Jarod Midgley from Rural Workshop Architecture

Tai Tapu Home
Tai Tapu Home
Tai Tapu Home
Tai Tapu Home
Tai Tapu Home
Tai Tapu Home
Tai Tapu Home
Tai Tapu Home

About the

John Creighton Builders is a renowned multi award winning construction company with 3 decades of experience that excels in delivering exceptional building services based in both Christchurch and Auckland. With a focus on high architectural standards, bespoke designs, and quality construction, we create stunning homes that stand as a testament to our commitment to excellence.

Embracing new and green technologies, we ensure sustainable and energy-efficient solutions for now and into the future. With expertise in Passive Homes, renovations and repairs, including earthquake and flood restoration, John Creighton Builders is the trusted partner to turn your vision into a reality and build homes that endure the test of time.

Leading the way in building architecturally-driven homes to be enjoyed now and in to the future.

John Creighton Builders
John Creighton Builders
