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The $140 million, 44,000sqm complex is made up of shops and hospitality outlets, plus offices and a car parking building. It has been built in new and restored heritage buildings around a series of laneways and air bridges on a one-hectare block bordered by Cashel, Colombo, High and Lichfield streets. Novo was involved for 5 years through all stages of project delivery. 

There were exisiting use rights for the buildings and activities which was intrinsic in shaping the new development. Novo Group worked through the master planning and site assessment phase and concept planning and worked with the client on how to achieve the desired outcomes. 

We worked closely with Christchurch City Council, CERA and Central Government to resolve issues around car parking location and design and we added value by offering design advice and engaged closely with key stakeholders to resolve any local goverment concerns. 

Our Traffic Engineers delivered the inner city modelling, intersection design, car park building and ramp design and layout. 

In the later stages of the project we advised on urban design, tenant layout and signage and consent conditions and monitoring and managed the corporate signage requirements for high profile flagship tenants such as H&M. 

Novo Group Limited
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The Crossing
The Crossing

Professionals used in
The Crossing

About the

Novo Group has a highly experienced and respected team of experts that are specialists in resource consent strategy and delivery for land use and urban development projects. We are efficient and effective, have professional integrity and commercial acumen, and we deliver certainty, expediency and results to our clients. 

At ArchiPro we recognise and acknowledge the existing, original and ancient connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have to the lands and waterways across the Australian continent. We pay our respects to the elders past and present. We commit to working together to build a prosperous and inclusive Australia.