The Alliances that help Whyte Gardens create sophisticated gardens

Written by

Whyte Gardens

07 February 2022


3 min read


“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” ~ Helen Keller

Talk to anyone who has been in business for a while and you’ll hear them talk about the importance of the alliances they’ve formed. Together, talented individuals can achieve a great deal more, usually at a better pace.

The Alliances that help Whyte Gardens create sophisticated gardens

As a landscape designer, I have worked with many contractors across all areas of design, supply and construction. Many are fine operators, some need improvement in one or two areas and others… well let’s just leave that alone! It’s really important to find business owners with similar values and work ethic who are keen to work as a team to successfully complete projects to everyone’s satisfaction.

A recent example:

Having had the pleasure of working with Laguna Pools over many years I can say with confidence to clients, “I recommend Laguna because they turn up when they say they will; they have full control of their sites; you will avoid any potential dramas; and you’ll end up with a professional pool you’ll love.” Now, there is no way I would say that unless I truly believed it and had the experience and trust to back it up.

​With the delays and issues of COVID mostly behind us, many landscapers are playing catch up. A recent project in Malvern required Laguna Pools to go to extraordinary lengths to have the pool in, ready for summer. For my team, it meant some serious juggling of schedules to get the landscaping complete, in sequence and on time. Happily, they held up their end of the bargain and so did we!

​Another great alliance for Whyte Gardens is with Andrew of Krystal Glass Fencing. In this particular project, he had to coordinate installation in the tiny window of time before sign-off and pool filling could occur. As always, Andrew is an astute technician who can be relied upon to problem solve and get the job done.

​Along with the electrician, plumbers, and others involved, the successful coordination of a project only occurs by way of contribution from a team of specialists. In our pool project Nepean Building Permits were leaned upon to provide solutions to the ‘hedge problem’ – no one wanted it pulled out – and they showed out-of-the-box thinking to help get the job done.

​Each of us succeeds to the degree we can rely upon others to do their job and in many cases, go above and beyond, in order to accomplish a satisfying result. So, it is no passing comment to say, an alliance is a brother-in-arms where success occurs. Now we have a very happy client, ready to enjoy and share their new sanctuary with family and friends.

​I know that those alliances are the foundation stone upon which my business relies. I want to acknowledge all those that have helped me over years of working together, and more recently, in getting through COVID, for their dedication and professionalism which has allowed me to flourish and prosper. I thank the contractors for their work, the mentors who advised me, the associates who refer me and my support teams such as my accountant, advertising consultant, website support, family and so many more. You all contribute to the success of Whyte Gardens.

In looking to 2021, I look forward to strengthening my alliances, as they are the backbone to providing quality service to my clients.

The Alliances that help Whyte Gardens create sophisticated gardens
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