There's No Place Like Work

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09 December 2021


4 min read


We've been thinking a lot about how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the workplace, and how the challenges we have faced have inspired creativity and innovation, in addition to new business behaviours.

We have developed new skills and capabilities through newly implemented technologies and workflows, allowing us to work virtually and be productive from a distance.

We have developed new ways to connect to our clients and colleagues, changing the way we communicate, collaborate and connect daily.

While remote working has had its perks – for example, no commute times and getting more time to pick up new hobbies – we have also lost things we may have taken for granted. Morning tea, coffee runs with colleagues, staff drinks, spontaneous chats and being able to ask quick questions are among the things we have missed.

Now that we are looking at the Return to Work - We’re relishing this opportunity to reconnect.

Employees value the physical office as a place to conduct meetings, socialise and connect with colleagues, but also for dedicated workspaces and creating a distinction between work and home. Workplaces can support employees sense of self-worth and achievement.

Whether it is full or part-time, most people want to return because there is no place like work.

Employers also see the benefits, with an increased sense of morale and improved operations due to face to face collaboration and connection. We are assisting businesses leaders with capturing the opportunities and tackling the challenges of the transition of their workforce back into their workplaces.

Addressing the key concerns and questions is integral to the successful return to work: How do we put workforce safety first? Who do we bring back to the workplace and when? What does our workforce need to successfully transition?

The steps for the Now – guidelines for workplace Return to Work (RTW).

Understanding current government restrictions and public health advice

  • We are acutely aware that no two cities, just like no two businesses, are faced with the same challenges. It is important to consult the latest government and public health advice when returning to work, to ensure compliance with restrictions and current social/physical distancing measures.
  • Here in Melbourne, The Department of Health and Human Services is frequently updating its information, to align with current restriction levels in Victoria. As this is ever-evolving, we are consistently staying up to date with the latest information to assist our clients as they navigate in their Return to Work.

Assess employee needs and workstyles

  • Generally, organisations are finding that a greater percentage of their staff are interested in continuing a hybrid workstyle, balancing working from both the office and from home.
  • We provide surveys to address strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and understand the needs and work styles of your workforce.

Consider crucial resources and spatial limitations

  • The size of your organisation and the existing physical workspaces
  • The available resources
  • Accessibility to the current workplace

Establish Business Goals

Where you are and where you want to be – your short term goals

  • The response to the pandemic in the workplace is a balance between prioritising employee health, safety and well-being with ensuring business productivity and aligning strategy with business goals.

Implement strategy & Support Staff

  • An RTW strategy is developed and implemented - Guided by health advice and government restrictions, the nature and workstyles of your workforce, the existing workplace limitations and availability of resources, all aligned to business goals.
  • Integral to the strategy is workforce support, to ensure a successful transition. Clear communication, staff education, providing information and links to resources, increase confidence and a sense of security. It strengthens positive culture and empowers employees in their work.

Reassessment - scenarios evolve and situations can change. Whether it is a change in restrictions, workforce behaviours and needs or goals, it's important to check in to fortify a successful workplace strategy.

The "Next Normal" - Designing the future of your business

After successfully tackling the intermediary period, businesses are looking at future business continuity and developing long term business goals.

How does your workplace facilitate well-being? Address security and health in the long term? What does your future workplace look like?

If you would like to discuss the future of your workplace please reach out to our team.

At ArchiPro we recognise and acknowledge the existing, original and ancient connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have to the lands and waterways across the Australian continent. We pay our respects to the elders past and present. We commit to working together to build a prosperous and inclusive Australia.