The PINK Painter


At The Pink Painter we have a passion for painting. We have over 60 years' shared experience painting across both residential and commercial projects throughout Auckland and the wider region. No matter how large or small your job, we'll work with you to ensure your paint project is executed on time and to the highest standards.

We use quality materials from market leaders so you can feel confident you'll receive a professional and high-quality painting service when you choose to work with The Pink Painter.

We are proud to be a certified member of the Resene Eco Decorator program.

Residential Painting

Whether it's painting a feature wall or the family home you can't go past The Pink Painter as your number one choice for residential painting. We aim to understand your unique painting needs and ensure we deliver what you want when you want it.

Commercial Painting

At The Pink Painter we understand commercial painting projects can be complex. We work within your budget and timelines to ensure your project is executed to the highest of standards with minimal disruption to your business. You can rest assured you're getting a professional, safe and high quality finish when you choose to work with us.

“Very efficient team. All friendly I would highly recommend them. Job was completed within days of the quote being accepted.”

Cheryl Sewell

“Product knowledge and customer service. Also willing to go the extra mile when required. Would definitely recommend.”

Josh Rich

At ArchiPro we recognise and acknowledge the existing, original and ancient connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have to the lands and waterways across the Australian continent. We pay our respects to the elders past and present. We commit to working together to build a prosperous and inclusive Australia.