Creating habitat and educating students about lifecycles and biodiversity.
Glengarry Primary School is a charming little school nestled within a small country town, surrounded by the forests of Glengarry North and framed within the stunning mountains of the Great Dividing Ranges.
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program allows children to get out and get dirty providing hands on learning through planting. Partnered with local teacher Max Sargent, STEM was brought in to design a space that brought with it the beneficial friends that are not the human kind…
A native frog pond and insect homes were designed and constructed with the help of four school captains. This was to support the edible gardens, to allow bugs to pollinate the fruits and vegetables, and have the frogs maintain a happy medium. The kids learnt how to create ecosystems to support their gardens and how easy it is to create habitats for animals even within urban environments.
Providing beautiful, natural designs respective of our unique Australian environments.
We possess a strong commitment to designing sustainable gardens that are not only beautiful but function with the purpose to sustain wildlife and better this beautiful earth.
We want to connect people back to the environment, to allow children and adults to explore and understand nature. We aim to better our urban surroundings to allow for the biodiversity of animals and ecosystems.