Lexus Queenstown banner

‘The exterior of this ‘gem’ has glistening sharp edges to mimic the jagged backdrop of The Remarkables, and a scaly silver, textured skin derived from the marque’s high-tech brand. Equally slick is the metal-trim interior, accessible via a triangular pivot door or secret garage tilt-door, which adds to the impression of this building as a cleverly executed jewel box, purposefully designed to alleviate vendor challenges and exceed market expectations for the sale of sophisticated automobiles.’ NZIA

Anna-Marie Chin Architects
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Lexus Queenstown
Lexus Queenstown
Lexus Queenstown
Lexus Queenstown
Lexus Queenstown
Lexus Queenstown
Lexus Queenstown

About the

Our team of 7 create buildings that are beautiful, often simple and sit at ease with the land.

The creative nature and challenge of the design is all important, crafting buildings unique to each individual client.

As registered architects we enjoy working with clients who are interested – inspired perhaps – about architecture, and who want to engage in the design process. This relationship is integral to the outcome, and is based on clarity and trust.

The essential elements of design are texture and space. We select raw materials that invite the patina of age, giving character and warmth to a home or workplace. The created spaces – inside and out – must evoke a response, be it inspiration or simply a sense of warmth or well-being.

Site is paramount. Rather than making an architectural statement we prefer to respond to the land, creating timeless and authentic buildings to be enjoyed now and well into the future.

At ArchiPro we recognise and acknowledge the existing, original and ancient connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have to the lands and waterways across the Australian continent. We pay our respects to the elders past and present. We commit to working together to build a prosperous and inclusive Australia.