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Minor Dwelling Retreat

This stunning Alpine inspired minor dwelling was built as an addition to a family home, separated to offer the option of renting! The beautiful textures and colours speak to Jacks Point in Queenstown, making it feel like the ultimate retreat!

Minor Dwelling Retreat
Minor Dwelling Retreat
Minor Dwelling Retreat
Minor Dwelling Retreat
Minor Dwelling Retreat

About the

Bella Kitchens and Cabinetry is a New Zealand owned and operated family company, employing highly skilled and qualified designers and craftspeople. Bella uses locally sourced products and provides a complete design to install service Auckland-wide from their Silverdale workshop. 

The team can work with your chosen tradespeople or arrange subtrades on your behalf and project manage the job for you. Owners Dave and Cathie Whitehead started Bella as an offshoot of their building company Lifebuilt Construction. Bella Kitchens and Cabinetry was named after their first daughter - the name Bella means “beautiful”. Dave is an LBP and a member of NZCB. Beauty, quality, functionality, and excellent design are the cornerstones of Bella’s ethos.

Bella Kitchens and Cabinetry
Bella Kitchens and Cabinetry

Kitchen & Bathroom Designers