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Ngatea House

This project took 3 years of planning before the client walked the site with us. A gentle sloping open expansive plot overlooking the Alluvial Firth of Thames basin that string together many Diary Farms between Kaihere and Thames.

The vista stretches from the Coromandel and Kaimai Ranges to the North, taking in Te Aroha and is the site settles below the Maungakawa Ranges to the South.

The client wanted a house of concrete, timber, steel and glass. It had to be fun, relaxed and love to cook and entertain. This is a very active family and have four generations that connect to the local community.

The house needed to be affordable and we discussed how to achieve this. Open to new construction techniques, and commercial detailing meant the design moved outside NZBC acceptable solutions and with the use of Metalcraft composite panels, the house roof and walls become a key to meeting the budget. This allowed the construction program to be reduced through prefabrication.

This also has allowed the house to remain simple in form, warm and quiet (with double the required insulation provided). The dark exterior cladding recedes into the landscape and has minimal thermal bridging. A highly  insulated polished concrete floor creates a vey large heat sink and a casual robust feel to a Modern Country Home.

The Plan form, lays all the social spaces to the North and wraps the sleeping spaces at each end. The study to the East and the Family room to the West act as circulation spaces to serve the bedrooms.

The garage and mud room are an annex to the rear of the building, with large areas for storing sports equipment and gear associated with running a farm.

Skylights and a sheltered entry were part of the brief. The entry to the South is concealed by two large man made berms of earth, relocated from nearby topsoil. This along with the garage Tilt slab, helps to reflect wind and noise from SHW 27.

The Kitchen is the heart of the house and connects to the large dining table, seating and external fireplace courtyard. This has created a special home that feels peaceful and relaxed.

About the

Creating Ongoing Joyful Experiences.

We believe in the pursuit of the craft of architecture and building. The process of creating the built environment is very rewarding and a successful project can largely be attributed to a committed and highly communicative team of the client/contractor/architect.

Malcolm Taylor and Associates work from the casual, relaxed environment of a 1960's converted church in the eastern suburbs, providing an excellent atmosphere for creative endeavour. This is a working example of a revitalised building with “soul” and a newfound function demonstrating the way we approach restoration work. We have a dedicated team of Architects striving for excellence, ingenuity and integrity.   

The process of “making” is reflected in the way we design, communicate, model and document, as well as how our buildings "go together". Building technology and materials are more often than not a catalyst to defining the building program, whether this is related to colour, texture, context or performance criteria. All of these chosen elements have an undertone of sustainable effectiveness and we readily discuss such directions with clients as they arise in each project evolution.

Malcolm Taylor Architects has been published regularly, showing a highly capable range of skills within the retail sector, educational buildings, commercial building refurbishment, commercial interiors, furniture design, residential and apartment buildings. We now have clients throughout Australasia and enjoy applying our design discipline to a variety of different environments.   

We have an intuitive, yet functional approach to each project, with a broad range of awards from differing categories of the built environment. Many of these projects start with a re-evaluation of typology and appropriateness, leading to a solution not often expected. Success with an NZIA Supreme Award for a house on the Auckland West Coast is a testament to the level of excellence we offer our clients. This is the highest award received within the NZIA.  

Malcolm Taylor Architects
