Roofing the Smart Way on a Commercial Building

“If there’s a leak from one of the many roof penetrations, like skylights and vent pipes, I want to know about it before it’s too late!” - John Willoughby.

John Willoughby of Medallion Developments had known about the pro clima Weather Resistive Barriers (WRB) for a number of years and has always been impressed with their performance specs and high quality.

He decided to go ahead with SOLITEX MENTO®1000 connect Roof Weather Resistive Barrier for the construction of apartments above high stud commercial units in Takanini.

As he is planning to keep the building in his property portfolio, John was interested in using products and systems that offered superior durability, low maintenance and protection of his investment long term.

Using the BRANZ Appraised method (counter battens and purlins above the roof underlay) made sense to John as it promotes ventilation and drying off of any moisture that occurs under the roofing, whether it be from condensation or a roof leak.

The laps are sealed with the connect technology, 2 self-adhesive strips built into the underlay, ensuring no moisture wicks up to wet the substrate underneath.

The roof has venting at the parapet wall side to provide good air movement within the roof cavity, just like on a top vented wall cladding. John has used the double fascia detail – water running off the roof drains into the gutter, while any larger volumes of water leaking through the roof would run down the underlay and out the gap between the two fascia boards.

Raising the overall roof level with the counter battens also ensures that it passes across the top of the concrete IT walls, so having no cap flashings within the roof means less maintenance and more aesthetic appeal…another design feature John was very happy with.

Developer: Medallion Developments

Roofing the Smart Way on a Commercial Building
Roofing the Smart Way on a Commercial Building

Products used in Roofing the Smart Way on a Commercial Building

About the

Pro clima is focused on health. Operating globally, pro clima inspires and educates people to create healthy, durable and energy-efficient buildings to live, learn, work and play in - now and for future generations.

Our range of high-performance weathertightness and airtightness products helps to create draught-free, long-lasting and low-allergen emitting surroundings for families, schools and businesses.

Pro Clima
Pro Clima

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