eHaus Euro - Passive House Classic - Certified
With a backdrop of rolling green hills, this incredible four-bedroom, two-bathroom rural home is perfect for its young family to grow and enjoy. The 200sqm has been carefully planned to capture every space. High ceilings create an open plan living space with large windows creating light and a wonderful view. The family room also opens out to an amazing outdoor all-weather entertaining space. Designed to meet the Passive House standard, the home delivers comfort, health and energy efficiency for the family. The mechanical heat recovery ventilation system working quietly in the background, providing filtered fresh warm air. uPVC joinery was used throughout adding to the energy efficiency of the home. Outside, the white board-and-batten cladding with natural detailing and a gabled portico blend brilliantly to Mount Taranaki. This award winning home is a stunner.
Design Components
Wall: 140mm timber frame with service cavity U-value of 0.222 W/(m²K)
Floor: Fully insulated concrete pad with a U-value of 0.182 W/(m²K)
Roof: Double layer of fibreglass insulation U-value of 0.132 W/(m²K)
Window Joinery Frame: Energate – 763 uPVC- Uf value = 1.10 W/(m²K)
Glazing: Double Glazed Argon Ug value=1.10 W/(m²K) g- value = 61%
Ventilation: Zehnder ComfoAir Q350 MHRV
Hot Water: Ecospring HP300L capacity heat pump hot water cylinder
Heating/Cooling: No heating or cooling installed
Performance Specs
Heating Load: 11.3 W/m²
Frequency of Overheating: 0.3% year over 25°C
TFA: 138.4 m²
Form Factor: 3.64
Air Leakage@50Pa: 0.5 ACH
PER Demand: 49.7 kWh/m²/yr
Heating Demand: 15.3 kWh/m²/yr