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Consisting of two north-facing slender towers and a linear podium addressing King Street, the Verve Residences bring a distinguished presence to Newcastle’s streetscape and skyline.

Located within the new urban district planned for Newcastle’s long neglected west end, the development stands 66m tall and was designed in partnership with Hill Thalis Urban Design and Architecture. The design has been developed with extensive consultation to achieve ‘Design Excellence’ under the Newcastle LEP.

  • Location: Newcastle
  • Size: 18304m2
  • Completion: 2019

As an urban gesture, the King Street façade presents a horizontal street-wall arrangement with a grand opening echoing the stratification of Newcastle’s mining history.

The project‘s site comprises a single allotment 4 585m2 in area, with a primary frontage to King Street to the south. The site’s north-east boundary adjoins Cottage Creek which has the potential to become an important new public connection northward to the harbourfront, and southward to National Park. The proposal is a considered response to the scale and character of site and the area’s evolving urbanity. It consists of 197 new apartments along with a mix of retail and commercial spaces addressing the street and new canal frontage. The site planning is based around creating generous public and communal landscape spaces. The small footprint of the towers, generous podium landscaping, splayed balconies and articulation of the base means that many apartments will enjoy corner positions, with extended sunshine and extensive views.

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## Verve Residences
## Verve Residences
## Verve Residences
## Verve Residences
## Verve Residences
## Verve Residences
## Verve Residences
## Verve Residences
## Verve Residences

Professionals used in
Verve Residences

About the

CKDS is a leading architectural design practice. Our Newcastle and Central Coast offices have worked on some of the region's most exciting projects. At CKDS we design for maximum benefit within a given space. We seek a balance between innovative design, commercial considerations and sustainability.

At ArchiPro we recognise and acknowledge the existing, original and ancient connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have to the lands and waterways across the Australian continent. We pay our respects to the elders past and present. We commit to working together to build a prosperous and inclusive Australia.