Mckinlay Extension banner

Mckinlay Extension

An extension/renovation to a typical existing Dunedin villa provides a new connection between the house and the outdoors. The extension included a new kitchen, dining and lounge. Also included was a complete rebuild of the existing bathroom. 

Attention to detail and developing a functional layout were keyfactors in this project and as a result the house was transformed, providing spaces with a modern, efficient and warm environment for the family of four. The modern kitchen is connected to a sunken lounge,complete with polished concrete floors and a small efficient wood-burner. It is finished off with a window-seat along the North wall. The quality materials and attention to detail make out for a long-lasting, beautiful house.

Warden Reno
Warden Reno
Warden Reno
Warden Reno
Warden Reno
Warden Reno
Warden Reno
Warden Reno
Warden Reno
Warden Reno
Warden Reno
Warden Reno

About the

Sur Architecture is a growing company that provides architectural services to families and business across the Otago region. We have projects in Dunedin, Otago Peninsula, Waikouaiti, Karitane, Mosgiel, Central Otago and Queenstown.

We are a client-based practice which values customer’s feedback, we work with clients goals and aspirations to strike the best balance between architectural perception, function and proportions. We encourage the practical and efficient use of resources and space.

We hold the following degrees: 
Bachelor in Architecture (Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Argentina) / Grad Dip in Design Science - Energy Conservation (University of Sydney - Australia) / Masters in Science - Energy (University of Otago - New Zealand).

SUR Architecture
SUR Architecture

Architectural Designers