Xcel™ Double Glazing - Low E

The classic option, perfect for most kiwi homes

  • For maximum warmth and natural light
  • Up to 61% better heat retention than standard double-glazing
  • Super clear - lets in 80% of visible light, enabling warm, naturally light-filled spaces

(Note: our double glazing range can be combined with laminate, tinted or obscured glass. Whatever your requirements are, we can tailor a solution for your home.)

  • Category
    Glazing, Double and Triple Glazing
  • Range
    Low E
  • Brand
    Metro Performance Glass
  • Warranty


Improving your window insulation reduces heat loss and solar gain, reducing your heating needs in winter and cooling requirements in summer. Better insulation makes it easier to keep temperatures constant, so your comfort level is increased.


Low E glazing increases the internal glass surface temperature, which reduces the likelihood of condensation on the inner glass surface. This means your home stays drier, which in turn makes for a healthier living environment.


You will use less energy to heat and cool your home, providing energy savings over the course of a year. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY

Depending on your Low E glazing selection there is less reliance on heating and cooling, which means fewer energy resources are required to keep your home comfortable all year round.


Large areas of glass can let in too much light, creating glare. This can be reduced with Low E glass and or in conjunction with a body tinted glass, a trade off however is that the home will be darker in the day. Reducing glare can also help reduce fading on your furnishings. Solar control Low E such as Low E Xtreme can also reduce fading to a level like a tint, while still letting in plenty of light and keeping the home warmer in winter.


The type of Low E glazed windows chosen can help improve on the minimum performance of windows in new homes, as required by the NZ Building Code.


Metro aims to increase the performance of the windows in your home. Your needs may be met by our Classic range, but you may require a custom solution. This is why we have developed additional Low E options that ensure you can choose a glass that meets both your requirements and your budget. For example, while Low E glass has a slight visual hue, Metro’s Low E Xcel glass has a visible light transmission of 81%. This is virtually the same as clear glass, which has a transmission of 82%.

Discover the best glass solutions for your construction projects with Metro Performance Glass.

New Zealand’s largest glass processor with manufacturing sites located in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, supported by 12 distribution centres throughout the country.

Producing a diverse range of customised glass products that are used in both residential and commercial construction. Our range of products includes Low E double and triple glazing, solar control glass, frameless glass showers and balustrades, mirrors, splash backs, canopies, doors and internal partitions. 

The right glass can enhance the beauty and comfort of any living space. Our high-tech glass range can transform rooms by creating stunning new features that will add a touch of elegance and sophistication to every part of your house.

Metro Performance Glass
Low E Xcel™ - Clear Thermal GlassMetro Performance Glass