PanelShield SA is optimized for use in panelization and modular construction. Its aggressive adhesive is designed to withstand aggressive construction handling and cross-country transport, and can withstand 12 months exposure.

  • Category
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  • Warranty
    20 years

A permeable polyester air barrier WRB membrane designed for use in panelization/modular and commercial construction.

  • Creates a water resistive air barrier when applied outside of the wall sheathing
  • Cost-effective permeable polyester air barrier WRB system
  • 12 months UV and weather exposure, ideal for long-term projects
  • Tough and durable, withstands aggressive construction handling
  • Tenacious adhesion to substrate withstands cross-country transport
  • Aggressive adhesive firmly grips to OSB and other common substrates
  • Superb drying capacity, 26 perms
  • All weather installation - including below freezing 20°F (-6°C)
  • Used for transitions, rough openings, fenestrations, and full-wall applications
  • Air Barrier, passes ASTM E2178 and E2357
  • Fire Rated, Class A to ASTM E84
  • 20 year warranty

Substrate Information

Substrates must be clean and free of any contaminants.

Substrate surface must be dry to the touch with the ambient temperature above 20°F (-6°C).



  • Exterior Gypsum Sheathing
  • Brick
  • Rigid Insulation
  • Plywood
  • OSB
  • Metal (Steel, Aluminum)
  • Fiberglass Window and Door Frames


Store material rolls on end in original packaging. Protect rolls from direct sunlight and inclement weather until ready for use.

Adhesive Curing Time

Full adhesion will vary depending on job site weather conditions. Pressure with roller is required.

Insert image of roller again

Floor Line Movement

View details for floor line and seismic joints.


Window and door penetrations can be detailed pre or post-installation of the field membrane.

Always ensure shingle fashion result is achieved.

SlopeShield Plus Self-Adhered roofing underlayment offers permanent mass timber roof deck/floor deck protection by allowing vapor to pass through (breathable) but not air or liquid water.

WallShield IT Integrated Tape water resistive barrier (WRB) membrane offers mass timber post, column, and beam protection by allowing vapor and air to pass through but not liquid water.

PanelShield SA is a permeable polyester air barrier (AB) and water resistive barrier (WRB) sheet membrane offers permanent protection for exterior walls by allowing vapor to escape through but not air or liquid water.


SlopeShield Plus SA is installed on the roof deck/floor deck as the structure is erected and taped using VaproTape on the seams. The underlayment can be installed on a low slope (1/4":12 to 2:12) assembly or a steep slope (2:12 or greater) assembly.

WallShield IT is wrapped around posts/columns and beams and uses VaproTape at the seams.

PanelShield SA is designed for exterior walls with rainscreen cladding materials. VaproShield offers additional WRB air barrier membranes for walls including open joint cladding, see individual product data sheets.


  • Always install in a “weatherboard or shingle fashion” with the upper courses lapped over the lower courses.
  • Install in a vertical or horizontal direction
  • Cut to size with basic hand tools
  • Install all penetrations including windows and doors in proper sequence to ensure a “weatherboard or shingle fashion” end result
  • Roll membrane with two-handed roller to ensure proper adhesion to substrate
  • If desired adhesion is not attained between membranes due to site conditions, VaproShield recommends applying a bead of VaproBond as an additional solution to pressure rolling.
  • Sustains a maximum 12 months UV and climate exposure prior to cladding installation
  • During field installation PanelShield SA must be protected at the leading edge to ensure liquid water does not travel behind the membrane
  • Apply VaproCaps™ to secure membrane during shipping and storage
  • Important note: VaproShield recognizes there are many acceptable ways to install an air and water resistive barrier based on installer experience. Best practices require continuity in the installed assembly for both air and water resistance. This includes correct sequencing for shingle fashion method of installation. The following factory/field installation sequence demonstrates best practices to establish a successful continuous air and water resistive barrier installation. Any deviations from the best practice sequence must be approved by the architect or building envelope consultant of record, prior to installation. VaproShield highly recommends all cladding systems use rainscreen design practices.
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About the

For over 10 years MaxClad has supplied the New Zealand market with exceptional rainscreen-design components, air & water resistant barriers, exterior facades and substrates, using a systems-based approach that considers every criteria of a project. We believe in challenging the status quo of improper rainscreen design and installation. We know that a holistic approach to rainscreen design is necessary – one that takes into account the entire exterior envelope of the wall assembly.

As a result of this conviction, MaxClad represents a diverse portfolio of terracotta, HPL, GRC/Fibre C, attachment systems, insulation and adhesive-based air barriers that enable us to become a single-source cladding solution for all of your rainscreen design needs.

We have numerous successful projects which stand testament to our products or if you'd like to find out more about us, get in touch.

PanelShield SAMaxClad