A highly vapor permeable roofing underlayment Air Barrier (AB) material

  • SlopeShield Plus SA can be installed on:Steep slope roofs of 2:12 (9.46 degrees) or greater
    Low slope roofs below 2:12
    Lightweight concrete decks new and re-roof
    Structural concrete roof decks new and re-roof
    Mass timber roof deck/floor deck as the structure is erected
  • Promotes Long Term Drying of Roofing Assembly Through Vapor Diffusion
  • Breathable and Airtight, with Exceptional Water and Air Holdout
  • Primerless Installation
  • High Drying Capacity (Vapor Permeability, 30 Perms)
  • Long exposure times, 6 months (180 days) UV and Climate Exposure Prior to Roof System Installation
  • Tough, Durable, and Slip Resistant—With Excellent Traction for Installers
  • Factory Made Rolled Good with Consistent Millage Thickness
  • Suitable for All Climates and Geographic Locations, Including Extreme Temperature Areas
  • 20 Year Material Warranty
  • Category
  • Range
  • Warranty
    20 years
Scope of use

SlopeShield Plus SA is a self-adhering, water shedding, vapor-permeable roofing underlayment. It protects roof assembly materials by allowing vapor to pass through (breathable) while concurrently blocking liquid water and air - mitigating costly moisture damage and saving energy for the life of the building.

  • Typical Compact Roof: Apply SlopeShield SA Plus to top of thermal board.
  • Lightweight Concrete Deck: Apply SlopeShield Plus SA directly to concrete roof deck.
  • Structural Concrete Deck: SlopeShield Plus SA can be applied over green concrete or over a damp existing concrete roof deck provided the surface complies with a bull float finish or better.
  • Re-Roofing: Installing SlopeShield Plus SA on new thermal board applied over existing insulation allows for the drying and reuse of existing insulation.
Compatible Roof Deck Substrates & Applications
  • Gypsum/Fiber Roof Sheathing Boards
  • Rigid Insulation
  • Concrete
  • Plywood
  • Mass Timber
  • Pre-painted Steel
  • Galvanized Metal
  • Aluminum (Painted/Mill Finish)
  • Compact roof decks with rigid insulation
  • Steel decks
  • Plywood and wood decks


  • Metal Roofing
  • Cedar Shingles/Shakes with VaproMat™
  • Slate and Tile
  • Metal - Class A roof assembly with 1/4" thermal board
  • Tile - Class A no thermal board
Mass Timber Installation

SlopeShield Plus Self-Adhered roofing underlayment offers permanent mass timber roof deck/floor deck protection by allowing vapor to pass through (breathable) but not air or liquid water.

WallShield IT Integrated Tape water resistive barrier (WRB) membrane offers mass timber post, column, and beam protection by allowing vapor and air to pass through but not liquid water.

PanelShield SA is a permeable polyester air barrier (AB) and water resistive barrier (WRB) sheet membrane offers permanent protection for exterior walls by allowing vapor to escape through but not air or liquid water.


SlopeShield Plus SA is installed on the roof deck/floor deck as the structure is erected and taped using VaproTape on the seams. The underlayment can be installed on a low slope (1/4":12 to 2:12) assembly or a steep slope (2:12 or greater) assembly.

WallShield IT is wrapped around posts/columns and beams and uses VaproTape at the seams.

PanelShield SA is designed for exterior walls with rainscreen cladding materials. VaproShield offers additional WRB air barrier membranes for walls including open joint cladding, see individual product data sheets.



All mass timber types:

  • Cross-laminated timber (CLT)
  • Nail-laminated timber (NLT)
  • Dowel-laminated timber (DLT)
  • Vertically laminated veneer lumber (LVL)
  • Glue-laminated timber (GLT)
  • Laminated strand lumber (LSL)
  • Timber-concrete composites (TCC)
  • Parallel strand lumber (PSL)
  • Mass plywood panel (MPP)


Store materials on end in original packaging at temperatures between 40°F and 120°F (4.4°C and 48.9°C). Protect materials from direct sunlight and inclement weather until ready for use.


CAUTION: Release liners are slippery. To prevent injury, liner should be removed from under foot as soon as membrane is installed and disposed of properly.

Work crews are safe around VaproShield membranes they contain zero VOCs or toxins.

Persons who access any roofs, involved with roof construction, repair or maintenance shall use appropriate personal protective equipment including, but not limited to, hard hats, eye protection, and leather gloves and must be trained on safe practices relevant to their work.

Where the use of ladders, scaffolds, platforms, or temporary floors are utilized, safety lines and safety harnesses shall be used. Please access the OSHA Web site at www.osha.gov, contact your local OSHA office, or visit the local federal bookstore to obtain the most current information on OSHA 29 CFR 1926.


For self-adhered membranes all surfaces must be dry, sound, clean, “as new” condition, and free of oil, grease, dirt, excess mortar or other contaminants detrimental to the adhesion of the roofing underlayment or WRB air barrier. Fill voids and gaps in substrate greater than ½” (12.7 mm) in width to provide an even surface.


SlopeShield Plus Self-Adhered should be covered within 180 (6 months) of installation with permanent roofing/flooring material. Minimum recommended application temperature of 20˚F (- 6.0˚C) and rising.

PanelShield SA should be covered with cladding within 12 months of field assembly. Minimum field assembly recommended installation temperature of 20˚ F (- 6.0˚ C) and rising.

Installation Best Practices
  • Primer is NOT required or recommended
  • Plan the installation and layout of SlopeShield Plus Self-Adhered PRIOR to application to minimize waste
  • Ensure substrate fasteners are flush with surface and fastened into solid backing
  • Roll out material with release film intact, check for proper alignment, reposition, and align as required
  • Pre-cut SlopeShield Plus Self-Adhered membrane to desired manageable lengths prior to removing release film. At bottom of roof allow for excess material to accommodate wall WRB/AB connects.
  • Snap chalk lines for alignment guidance
  • Align and place exposed membrane into position use hand pressure to adhere membrane to substrate
  • Re-roll material back to starting location with release film intact
  • Keep SlopeShield Plus Self-Adhered membrane and release film in contact with deck as you pull the release film.
  • Pull release film and smooth out air bubbles with soft bristle push broom
  • Roll underlayment with two-handed roller to ensure proper adhesion to substrate
  • On low slope roofs, below 2:12 (9.46 degrees), VaproShield requires all seams be covered with VaproShield’s black, UV stable VaproTape™. VaproTape must be installed in a dry environment to protect against ponding water conditions that may occur in low or no-slope conditions. VaproTape must be rolled with a weighted roller to ensure proper adhesion.
  • For all slope conditions, when SlopeShield Plus SA is installed in a vertical fashion—same direction as the slope—VaproTape is required on the vertical seams.
  • For steep slope applications, 2:12 and greater pitch, SlopeShield Plus SA may be installed in a shingle fashion, perpendicular to the roof slope, without VaproTape.
  • AVOID EXCESSIVE FOOT TRAFFIC on installed SlopeShield Plus Self-Adhered roof underlayment
  • Avoid construction material storage on installed SlopeShield Plus Self-Adhered roof underlayment
  • For Roofing Penetration Details and to ensure water and air tight details around penetrations (skylights, curbs etc.), refer to VaproShield.com.
  • SlopeShield Plus Self-Adhered Roofing Underlayment Sheet may be utilized as temporary water hold out based upon proper installation. Cover membrane as soon as practical with maximum exposure of 180 days (6 months).
  • SlopeShield Plus Self-Adhered Roofing Underlayment Sheet is not intended to be the primary liquid water hold out system or temporary roof covering. Cover membrane as soon as practical.
  • Minimum recommended application temperature of 20˚F (- 6.0˚C) and rising.
  • For roof slopes below 2:12 (9.46 degrees) contact VaproShield Technical for required approval.
  • If desired adhesion is not attained between membranes due to site conditions, VaproShield recommends applying a bead of VaproBond as an additional solution to pressure rolling.
  • Persons who access any roofs, involved with roof construction, repair or maintenance shall use appropriate personal protective equipment including, but not limited to, hard hats, eye protection, and leather gloves and must be trained on safe practices relevant to their work.
  • Where the use of ladders, scaffolds, platforms, or temporary floors are utilized, safety lines and safety harnesses shall be used. Please access the OSHA Web site at www.osha.gov, contact your local OSHA office, or visit the local federal bookstore to obtain the most current information on OSHA 29 CFR 1926.

CAUTION: Release liners are slippery. To prevent injury, liner should be removed from under foot as soon as membrane is installed and disposed of properly

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About the

For over 10 years MaxClad has supplied the New Zealand market with exceptional rainscreen-design components, air & water resistant barriers, exterior facades and substrates, using a systems-based approach that considers every criteria of a project. We believe in challenging the status quo of improper rainscreen design and installation. We know that a holistic approach to rainscreen design is necessary – one that takes into account the entire exterior envelope of the wall assembly.

As a result of this conviction, MaxClad represents a diverse portfolio of terracotta, HPL, GRC/Fibre C, attachment systems, insulation and adhesive-based air barriers that enable us to become a single-source cladding solution for all of your rainscreen design needs.

We have numerous successful projects which stand testament to our products or if you'd like to find out more about us, get in touch.
