Lion Co. – Panhead Brewery banner

Lion Co. – Panhead Brewery

CLIENT:  Lion Co.

LOCATION:  Upper Hutt

Apollo Projects have completed an upgrade to the Panhead Brewery in Upper Hutt owned by Lion Co. The expansion has increased capacity from 1.8 million litres a year to 4 million litres a year to meet the growing demand for quality craft beer.

Apollo’s design and build included the expansion and relocation of the brewhouse, bottling line and kegging line. The capacity increase was catered for with eighteen new fermenting tanks, a new chiller, new fluid transfer lines, a 20 tonne CO2 storage vessel, a new CIP system and all associated services including water, air and CO2 lines driven by a new boiler. Amazingly, all this occurred while Panhead continued to brew. The ability to achieve upgrades of this scale without interrupting production is the reason Lion Group involved Apollo Projects in this expansion.

Apollo have considerable experience with cleanroom environments and facilities that are designed to produce food and beverage. The majority of Apollo’s work in this sector is upgrades or refurbishments of existing facilities. Apollo understand operation requirements and work closely with the client to design a facility that meets their needs, without compromising the cashflow.

Professionals used in Lion Co. – Panhead Brewery

About the

Apollo Projects
Apollo Projects
