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Open Country Cheese

CLIENT:  Open Country Cheese

LOCATION:  Waikato

Open Country Cheese is a Waikato-based manufacturer of premium quality New Zealand cheese and dried milk powder products.

Apollo Projects were engaged to coordinate the design and installation of the external services to supply the new 8 tonne per hour whole milk powder plant installed at the Waharoa site in 2008.

The scope includes the installation of a 14MW steam boiler, a main water supply upgrade and a 3MVA high voltage electrical reticulation system extension.

The major expansion project was completed while the existing factory continued its normal production. The project involved considerable liaison with plant personnel to ensure that the new work seamlessly integrated into the existing factory with minimal interruption to production. Strong relationships with OCC staff and other contractors were developed to ensure that the construction team were well-informed, knew their responsibilities and that project objectives were achieved on time.

While on site Apollo were requested to assist with a number of other related projects including the installation of a chlorine dioxide plant, the upgrade of an effluent treatment system and the installation of a new one million litre water storage tank.

Professionals used in Open Country Cheese

About the

Apollo Projects
Apollo Projects
