Stokes Valley Community Hub banner

Stokes Valley Community Hub

Following direct engagement by Hutt City Council to undertake an options analysis for a new Community Hub in Stokes Valley, a preferred scheme was identified. DGSE then became part of the Hawkins construction team to deliver this project.

The new Hub is located on the site of the original Community Centre. The new facility contains a two-level Library, exhibition gallery, multi-use community spaces and staff accommodation. Washed with natural light and vibrant colour, the project has been embraced by the local community to inject vitality and life into the immediate commercial heart of Stokes Valley and beyond.

About the

Designgroup Stapleton Elliott is a design lead practice with a collaborative studio that fosters creative contributions from all our talented staff and specialist consultants we collaborate with.

We specialise in a wide range of work delivering design excellence in projects ranging from urban regeneration, master planning, education, public buildings, commercial buildings, interiors and housing.

We encourage diversity of thinking resulting in design solutions that are creative, intelligent and well considered.

“We focus on achieving the highest levels of design”

We strive to achieve the highest levels of design through researching, questioning and internally reviewing each design to ensure we reach the best possible outcome.

Our work is characterised by strong conceptual clarity and design efficiency resulting in innovative and enduring sustainable outcomes.

DGSE is widely recognised for its award winning architecture which has achieved national and international recognition.

Designgroup Stapleton Elliott
