By Fairfield Construction
A new three classroom block, additional office area, upgrade of the schools staff & conference room, accessible toilet and an extensive car-park area were all included in this project.
The three new classrooms are designed to create a Modern Learning Environment with the use of bright & bold colours for an interesting and fun space for the kids.
Even teachers didn’t have to miss out. An additional 100 sqm of office area in conjunction with the conversion of old office spaces into a large staff area and conference room coloured in bold blue to give the teachers somewhere to enjoy their day as well.
Working closely with the school to minimize disruption to their everyday routines while meeting budgets and time-frames were key to a successful outcome.
Floor Area: 330 squ. metres
Building healthier homes with less impact on our environment
Fairfield Construction is a family owned and operated building company based in sunny Blenheim, Marlborough.
Specialised in energy-efficient and passive houses, we have been building and renovating homes for over 30 years.
Our aim is to build beautiful homes, that are warmer and healthier, and which people will still love in a hundred years.
By using high-performance and environmentally friendly building products, and minimising our waste on-site, we can create homes that are better for our clients and the environment.
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